Victor's Blog

24 September 2008

Quake-style console on MacOs X

Just a quick post for those gamers that enjoyed "hacking" Quake and some other games using their built-in console, Visor is a project that "provides a systemwide terminal window accessible via a hotkey".

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23 September 2008

Victims of the digital life

I've found on 9to5mac a hilarious video making fun of the life we all have in the Web 2.0

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20 September 2008

3, 2, 1... ignition!

Well, I've finally decided to start up my new blog.
I don't know if I will post very frequently, but since long time ago I've been willing to have my own blog to express my ideas and thoughts, so here I am!
This blog will be edited in random language coming out from the formula
languages[2] = new language{English, Catalan};
In this blog you'll hopefully find some nice and interesting tips and hints collected from the WWW regarding my main research topic (Information Visualisation) and some other freaky / geeky issues.